HostAdvice Research – What Is a Virtual Server, and What Can You Do With One?

Editor’s Note: this post originally appeared on the VoxVM website but has been migrated to NodeSpace as at the time of this note being added, VoxVM is being merged into NodeSpace. The links and information in this post may not be accurate and keep in mind that it was provided by a third-party.

There are a few different kinds of web hosting solutions you can get to host your website. No matter which web hosting you get, you always need to make sure that it can satisfy your needs and keep your website up and running at all times.

One type of web hosting is with a Virtual Server. A Virtual Server is usually located in an off-shore data center or cloud environment. It involves transforming a physical server into multiple virtual machines where multiple users can share the server’s processing power. Also, getting a Virtual Server allows users to save on physical hardware costs, and it uses less energy for even more cost savings.

Transforming a physical server into multiple Virtual Servers enables companies and individuals to use processing power and resources in a more efficient manner. That is because, with a Virtual Server, companies and individuals can run multiple operating systems and applications on one partitioned server.

Virtual Servers are ideal for personal websites, small business websites, medium business websites, and eCommerce sites. Hosting your website on a Virtual Server allows you to install your own security software and configure it with the OS that you want.

With Virtual Servers, multiple users can take full advantage of the server’s processing power and share the cost of the equipment of the server they are using. All in all, hosting your website on a Virtual Server will allow you to use the server’s full processing power while also saving money because you won’t have to pay fees for hardware management.

If there is an overflow of virtual servers in one physical server, users might experience performance issues and resource hogging.

Many providers offer the ability for users to host their websites on a Virtual Server. One such provider is VOXvm. VOXvm is a trusted web hosting provider that is known for its Shared and Virtual Private Servers. It offers super fast and reliable Virtual Server hosting that is DDoS-protected and has an enhanced Control Panel. Also, with VOXmv, you can choose the location of your Virtual Server to be either in Germany or London.

VOXvm uses KVM virtualization technology that isolates users’ VPS from others on the same host node. Thus, others on the server won’t affect you, so you won’t experience things like resource-hogging or performance issues due to others using more resources than they usually do.

Our users at HostAdvice really like VOXmv and have given it a rating of 4.7/5.0. They deem VOXvm’s services as superb and especially admire VOXvm’s user-friendliness and support. But, if you want to know more about what our users have to say about the provider and their exact words, you can check that out by clicking on the following link.

If you want to host your website on a Virtual Server and what to do it immediately, VOXvm is the right choice for you. The provider will deploy your server immediately after your payment is complete, so you won’t have to wait at all to get the services you need.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s see what you can do with a Virtual Server.

What Can You Do With a Virtual Server?

Most individuals and companies primarily use Virtual Servers to reduce hardware, energy, and power costs. However, there is more to Virtual Servers than that. Namely, with a Virtual Server, you can support the following:

  • blogs;
  • eCommerce sites;
  • personal or business websites;
  • file transfer protocol (FTP);
  • data storage;
  • email servers.

Also, Virtual Servers can be used for software development and testing where developers can create, run, and test new software applications without taking away resources from the others who use the same server.

Virtual Servers are also ideal for websites with high traffic and gaming servers. Games like Minecraft, Runescape, and World of Warcraft are hosted using Virtual Servers.

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HostAdvice has been supporting and advising individuals and companies worldwide on which hosting provider they should choose since 2014. We provide expert and unbiased web hosting comparisons, and we have written more than 4,000 reviews and over 65,000 users reviews that help our users find the right web hosting solution for their needs. Also, we offer many expert reviews, guides, and how-to-articles on tech-related topics – all written by experts with abundant experience in the field.

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Virtual Servers are ideal for those that want more power at a lower cost. Virtual Servers are also better for the environment and allow users to do whatever they want, from hosting a simple website to creating large gaming servers. All in all, Virtual Servers are powerful and highly cost-effective solutions for almost all types of online activities.

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